Teri discovered her love for portraits in high school when she developed a passion for water colours. She then went on to further her creative journey at Pretoria University, where she completed a BA in Information Design. The degree combined both fine arts and graphic design, it also offered dark room classes were Teri discovered a passion for photography. 

Since studying Teri pursued her passion in the fashion world. She has been shooting professionally since 2011 and still has the same amount of enthusiasm as the day she 1st picked up a camera. 

On the 'same same' concept.

A face carries a story of the pain of prejudice due to social conditioning with roots deep in a bedrock of fear. We pass faces like these daily, we pass foreigners who have been abused by xenophobia, a queer person who has been injured through homophobia. I chose to exhibit these faces as they exude strength, a strength that defies any malicious gaze. Fear and love can not co-exist, we need to unlearn fear to rid prejudice. Let’s see “same same” not difference as difference stems from fear.